High-intensity ⚡ code tutorials and tech news to help you ship your app faster. New videos every week covering the topics every programmer should know. The original home of #100SecondsOfCode #TheCodeReport and #CodeThisNotThat. Created by Jeff Delaney. Building an app? Get project support, advanced full courses, and more at https://fireship.io
Hi, I'm Wesley. I'm a brand ambassador for Kinde (paid sponsorship). My COMPLETE React & Next.js course is out now! Find it here: https://bytegrad.com/courses/professional-react-nextjs It's the #1 resource to master the latest React & Next.js. I'm very proud of it, my best work! Interested in sponsoring me? I love working with sponsors. Please email me here: support@bytegrad.com Note that my videos may contain mistakes. Always verify yourself that your code is safe and does what you want it to do for your specific situation. You agree by watching the videos that you are solely responsible for any mistakes in your code. This channel and all its content is owned & operated by ByteGrad Sp. z o.o. with Tax ID: PL6762676561 and KRS-number: 0001125554